Sunday, April 28, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

14 months old

Playing out on our deck on a sunny Saturday
Having fun in the gym after church - and with some new friends following her.
Last week Kate was sick, and was not happy as I tried to take pictures of her "Crazy Hair Day" hairstyle that she got at her school.
There is an indoor play area at the nearby mall, and Kate likes exploring and watching the bigger kids play.

Back home in her pj's, playing with the dresser knobs.

Outside again, this time in some new sneakers!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Katherine has been walking for a few weeks now!  Here is a video of her walking and playing outside on the tennis courts in our apartment complex.  (It's a good place for her to walk - flat, with minimal debris for her to pick up!)